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Discontinued List

The following items have recently been removed from Elon's Website & Price List!

BC203G - Hampton White Quarter Round Molding Glossy
BC140 - West Boston Half Round Bullnose
BC401M - Hampton White 3" x 6" Matte
MP504P - Nuance Anthracite 4" x 12" Semi Polished
MP104P - Nuance Calacatta 4” x 12” Semi Polished
MP615M - Square Porcelain Wood Base Molding Matte
MP615SP - Square Porcelain Wood Base Molding Semi Polished
MP605M - Traces Classic Walnut 3" x 12" Picket Matte Porcelain
MP606M - Traces Classic Walnut Quarter Round Matte Porcelain
BC403M - Hampton White Quarter Round Molding Matte
AM1172P - White Thassos Petite Chevron with Ming Green Mosaic Polished
AM7523P - White Absolute Lattice with Black and Temple Grey Mosaic Polished
AM9331P - Mystic Gray 1" x 4" Herringbone Mosaic Polished

AM9023P - Blue Celeste Ogee Molding Polished
AM5103P - Pearl White Captiva with Sand Dollar Mosaic Polished
RC140 - Rhythm Sky 3" x 12" Glossy Ceramic
AM9330P - Mystic Gray Basketweave with 3/8" Pearl White Dot Mosaic Polished
BC501G - Hampton Blue 3" x 6" Glossy
AM7069H - Black Ogee Molding Honed
AM1103H - Ming Green Basketweave with 3/8" White Absolute Dot Mosaic Honed

SL1811A - Rustic Multicolor Slate Random Strip Mosaic Cleft & Honed
AM6202H - Beachwood 2" x 2" Square Vein Cut Mosaic Honed
BC203G - Hampton White Quarter Round Molding Glossy
AM9308P - Mystic Gray Pencil Molding Polished
AM9308H - Mystic Gray Pencil Molding Honed
RC140 - Rhythm Sky 3" x 12" Glossy Ceramic
SL1580 - Golden Sand Quartzite 5" Hexagon Mosaic Cleft
SN1545H - Golden Sand 1.5" x 3" Brick Mosaic Honed

AM1004P - Pacific Gray Wave Border with Pearl White Polished
AM1004H-C - Pacific Gray Wave Corner with Pearl White Honed
SV122C - Gold Quartzite 2 Piece Interlocking Ledgerstone Corner Cleft
SV121C - English Moss Quartzite 2 Piece Interlocking Ledgerstone Corner Cleft
RC152 - Rhythm White Quarter Round Trim Glossy Ceramic
RC154 - Rhythm White 4" x 4" Glossy Ceramic
RC150 - Rhythm White 3" x 12" Glossy Ceramic
AM8648P - Pearl White 6" x 18" Polished
SL2180 - Lotus Multicolor Slate 5" Hexagon Mosaic Cleft
AM1006P - Honey Onyx Wave Border with White Absolute Polished
AM1004H - Pacific Gray Wave Border with Pearl White Honed
SV152 - Midnight Slate Mini Ledgerstone Cleft
SV154 - White Quartzite Mini Ledgerstone Cleft
SL1820BR - Rustic Multicolor Slate 12" x 24" Brushed
SL110C - Rustic Multicolor Slate 2 Piece Interlocking Ledgerstone Corner Cleft
AL101H-C - Pearl White Two Piece Corner Ledgerstone Honed
SN1201H - Golden Sand Multi Pattern Mosaic Honed
SN1546H - Golden Sand Quartzite 16" x 16" Honed
SL1521TBR - Rustic Multicolor Slate 2" x 2" Square Mosaic Tumbled & Brushed
AM1004P-C - Pacific Gray Wave Corner with Pearl White Polished
SN1558H - Lotus Multicolor Slate Basketweave with 5/8" Golden Sand Dot Mosaic Honed
SV120C - Night Glitter Quartzite 2 Piece Interlocking Ledgerstone Corner Cleft
SN1542H - Golden Sand 4" x 4" Honed
AL103H-C - Bianco Carrara Two Piece Corner Ledgerstone Honed
AL103H - Bianco Carrara Ledgerstone 6" x 24" Honed
DRU112 - Durango 5" Hexagon Mosaic Honed & Filled
AL102H-C - Crema Marfil Two Piece Corner Ledgerstone Honed
AL102H - Crema Marfil Ledgerstone 6" x 24" Honed
SN1544H - Golden Sand 12" x 12" Honed
SV156 - Silver Sky Mini Ledgerstone Cleft
SL1610BR - Midnight Slate 6" x 12" Brushed
SL1610 - Midnight Slate 6" x 12" Cleft
AL104H - Calacatta Gold Ledgerstone 6" x 24" Honed
AM6229H - Beachwood Modern Art Border Honed
SV151 - Golden Sand Quartzite Mini Ledgerstone Cleft

AM1131H - Pearl White Frame with Silver Aluminum Mosaic Honed
AM7423P - Honey Onyx Lattice with White Absolute Mosaic Polished
AM6323H - Driftwood 12" x 24" Vein Cut Honed
AM6222H - Beachwood 6" x 24" Vein Cut Honed
AM9614H - Ice White 6" x 12" Honed
AM9614P - Ice White 6" x 12" Polished
AM6322H - Driftwood 6" x 24" Vein Cut Honed
BC403M - Hampton White Quarter Round Molding Matte
AM8652H - Pearl White Honeycomb with Crema Marfil Mosaic Honed
MP202H - Nuance Lasa 2" x 2" Square Mosaic Honed
SL1612BR - Midnight Slate 12" x 12" Brushed
AM8199P - Bianco Carrara Ogee Molding Polished
AM6223H - Beachwood 12" x 24" Vein Cut Honed
MP204H - Nuance Lasa 4" x 12" Honed
MP204P - Nuance Lasa 4" x 12" Semi-Polished
AM9120H - Sand Dollar Capital Molding Honed
WJ113 - Beachwood Jewel with White Thassos and Driftwood Waterjet Honed & Polished Mixed
SL1205T - Golden Sand/Black/Rustic Checkerboard Mosaic Tumbled
BC402M - Hampton White 3" x 12" Bullnose Matte
BC405M - Hampton White Pencil Molding Matte
BC303G - Hampton Green Quarter Round Molding Glossy
MP407H - Nuance Grey 24" x 48" Honed
CT164 - Opal Sky Pencil Glossy
AM8294P - Bianco Carrara Basketweave with 3/8" White Thassos Dot Mosaic Polished
AM1173P - Calacatta Gold Petite Chevron Mosaic Polished
AM1170P - White Thassos Petite Chevron with Blue Celeste Mosaic Polished
AM9608H - Ice White 2" Hexagon Mosaic Honed
AM8813H - Pacific Gray 2" x 2" Square Mosaic Honed
BC141 - Downtown Boston Half Round Bullnose
CT171 - Opal Marine 3" x 12" Bullnose
AM8192T - Bianco Carrara (CD) 4" x 4" Tumbled
AM9128H - Sand Dollar Base Molding Honed
SL1811A - Rustic Multicolor Slate Random Strip Mosaic Cleft & Honed
CT162 - Opal Sky Chair Rail Glossy
BC702G - Hampton Turquoise 3" x 12" Bullnose Glossy
AM7523P - White Absolute Lattice with Black and Temple Grey Mosaic Polished
SL1556T - Lotus Multicolor Slate 2" Octagon Mosaic Tumbled
AM6112P - Tri-Blend Ming Green/Blue Celeste/White Thassos 1" x 1" Square Mosaic Polished
MP305H - Nuance White Shell 12" x 24" Honed
AM9318H - Mystic Gray 18" x 18" Honed
CT164 - Opal Sky Pencil Glossy
SL2020BR - Golden Sand Quartzite 12" x 24" Brushed
BC151 - Night Boston Half Round Bullnose
AM6224H - Beachwood Petite Lattice with Dark Emperador Dot Mosaic Honed
AM1170P - White Thassos Petite Chevron with Blue Celeste Mosaic Polished
AM9312H - Mystic Gray 12" x 12" Honed
AM8635H - Pearl White Diamondback with Crema Marfil Mosaic Honed
WP107 - White 8" x 48" Wood Porcelain
AM7055H - Ming Green 3" x 6" Honed
PC570 - Barcelona Warwick Grey 18" x 18"
SD109 - White Carrara Corner Shelf 9" Polished
SN1542H - Golden Sand 4" x 4" Honed
CT144 - Opal Vision Pencil Glossy
BC136 - Boston South Hexagon 11.2" x 12.7"
AM9324H - Mystic Gray 12" x 24" Honed
AM9170P - Pearl White Argyle with Sand Dollar Bar Mosaic Polished
PC620 - Barcelona Savoy Grey 18"
BC505G - Hampton Blue Pencil Molding Glossy
AM9330H - Mystic Gray Basketweave with 3/8" White Dot Mosaic Honed
AM9309H - Mystic Gray Ogee Molding Honed
MP303P - Nuance White Shell Bullnose Semi Polished
CT104 - Opal Snow Pencil Glossy
CT174 - Opal Marine Pencil Glossy
AM8196T - Bianco Carrara 5/8" x 1 1/4" Herringbone Mosaic Tumbled
AM9110H - Sand Dollar 2" Hexagon Mosaic Honed
CT103 - Opal Snow 3" x 12" Assorted Decos Glossy
AM8811P - Pacific Gray 5/8" x 5/8" Square Mosaic Polished
AM7079P - Black Capital Molding Polished
CT123 - Opal White 3" x 12" Assorted Decos Glossy
SL1570T - Golden Sand Quartzite 2" Hexagon Mosaic Tumbled
SL2005 Golden Sand Quartzite 3" x 6" Cleft
BC121 - Boston North 8.8" x 17.7"
AM9110H - Sand Dollar 2" Hexagon Mosaic Honed
MP106H - Nuance Calacatta 24" x 24" Honed
CT131 - Opal Gray Bullnose Glossy
AM8235H - Crema Marfil 16" x 16" Honed
AM8240H - Crema Marfil Basketweave with 5/8" White Thassos Dot Mosaic Honed
AM8291H - Bianco Carrara Basketweave with 5/8" Black Dot Mosaic Honed
AM7005H - Ming Green 5/8" x 5/8" Square Mosaic Honed
AM9307P - Mystic Gray 6" x 12" Polished
AM7058H - Ming Green Pencil Molding Honed
AM8695P - Pearl White 9" Corner Shelf Polished
AM8695H - Pearl White 9" Corner Shelf Honed
AM9039H - White Thassos Ogee Molding Honed
AM9039P - White Thassos Ogee Molding Polished
AM8290PC - Bianco Carrara Basketweave Corner with 3/8" Black Dot Polished
AM9048PC - White Thassos Basketweave Corner with 3/8" Pacific Gray Dot Polished
AM9109PC - Sand Dollar Basketweave Corner with 3/8" White Absolute Dot Polished
AM8199H - Bianco Carrara Ogee Molding Honed
AM1104HC - Pearl White Basketweave Corner with 3/8" Ming Green Dot Honed
AM8690P - Pearl White Basketweave with 5/8" Pacific Gray Dot Mosaic Polished
DR228 - Durango 10" Corner Shelf Honed
AM9045PB - White Thassos Basketweave Border with 3/8" Blue Celeste Dot Polished
AM1104PC - Pearl White Basketweave Corner with 3/8" Ming Green Dot Polished
AM1107PC - White Thassos Basketweave Corner with 3/8" Ming Green Dot Polished
AM9180P - Sand Dollar Mini Random Strip Mosaic Polished
SL1529A - Rustic Multicolor Slate Ogee Molding Honed
AM1008HC - Dark Emperador Wave Corner with Crema Marfil Honed
AM1104PB - Pearl White Basketweave Border with 3/8" Ming Green Dot Polished
SL1549H - Golden Sand Quartzite Ogee Molding Honed
AM1106HC - Pearl White Basketweave Corner with 3/8" Black Dot Honed
AM1007P - Ming Green Wave Border with White Absolute Polished
AM9048PB - White Thassos Basketweave Border with 3/8" Pacific Gray Dot Polished
AM9110P - Sand Dollar 2" Hexagon Mosaic Polished
AM1102HB - Pacific Gray Basketweave Border with 3/8" White Absolute Dot Honed
AM8298P - Bianco Carrara Basketweave with Bardiglio Dot Mosaic Polished
AM1106PC - Pearl White Basketweave Corner with 3/8" Black Dot Polished
AM1103HC - Ming Green Basketweave Corner with 3/8" White Absolute Dot Honed
AM1104HB - Pearl White Basketweave Border with 3/8" Ming Green Dot Honed
AM1107PB - White Thassos Basketweave Border with 3/8" Ming Green Dot Polished
AM1105HC - Black Wave Corner with White Absolute Honed
AM8290HB - Bianco Carrara Basketweave Border with 3/8" Black Dot Honed
AM1005PC - Black Wave Corner with White Absolute Polished
AM7450P - Honey Onyx Base Molding Polished
AM7428P - Honey Onyx Fluted Liner Molding Polished
AM9045PC - White Thassos Basketweave Corner with 3/8" Blue Celeste Dot Polished
AM1103HB - Ming Green Basketweave Border with 3/8" White Absolute Dot Honed
SM1101P - Honey Onyx 1/2" Rounds Mosaic Polished
AM1102HC - Pacific Gray Basketweave Corner with 3/8" White Absolute Dot Honed
AM1106HC - Pearl White Basketweave Border with 3/8" Black Dot Honed
AM8194T - Bianco Carrara (CD) 12" x 12" Tumbled
AM9109HB - Sand Dollar Basketweave Border with 3/8" White Absolute Dot Honed
DR227 - Durango 8" Corner Shelf Honed
AM6113T - Tri-Blend (Black, White Absolute, Temple Grey) 1" Square Mosaic Tumbled
DRS107 - Durango Base Molding Honed & Filled
AM8198 - Bianco Carrara Bar Molding Tumbled
AM1106PB - Pearl White Basketweave Border with 3/8" Black Dot Polished
AM9109PB - Sand Dollar Basketweave Border with 3/8" White Absolute Dot Polished
AM1008P - Dark Emperador Wave Border with Crema Marfil Polished
AM1008PC - Dark Emperador Wave Corner with Crema Marfil Polished
AM1100HB - Pearl White Basketweave Border with 3/8" Pacific Gray Dot Honed
AM8611BR - Pearl White 3" x 6" Brushed
AM9015PB - Blue Celeste Basketweave Border with 3/8" White Thassos Dot Polished
AM1006HC - Honey Onyx Wave Corner with White Absolute Honed
AM7450H - Honey Onyx Base Molding Honed
SL2016 - Golden Sand Quartzite 16" x 16" Cleft
SD149 - Statuario Quartz 9" Corner Shelf Polished
AM7422P - Honey Onyx Pencil Molding Polished
SL1558H - Lotus Multicolor Slate Bar Molding Honed
AM7160P - Ming Green Capital Molding Polished
CT161 - Opal Sky Bullnose Glossy
PL614 - Chateau De Sable Pencil Molding Honed
PL116 - Vague De Fleurs 16" x 16" Honed
SM1105P - Pacific Gray 1/2" Rounds Mosaic Polished
PL414 - Ville Sur Mer Pencil Molding Honed
AM7060H - Ming Green 6" x 12" Honed
AM8262P - Bianco Carrara 8" x 16" Polished
WJ119 - Pearl White Halo with Bardiglio & Mystic Waterjet Honed
BC415M - Hampton Mist Pencil Molding Matte
SV112 - White Quartzite Interlocking Ledgerstone Cleft
CT124 - Opal White Pencil Glossy
MP105P - Nuance Calacatta 12" x 24" Semi-Polished
BC304G - Hampton Green Chair Rail Molding Glossy
BC214G - Hampton Mist Chair Rail Molding Glossy
LP101 - Ordino Grey Ledgestone Porcelain
CT121 - Opal White Bullnose Glossy
WP107 - White 8" x 48" Wood Porcelain
WJ119 - Pearl White Halo with Bardiglio Waterjet Honed
MP103P - Nuance Calacatta Bullnose Semi Polished
SD105 - Bianco Carrara 6" x 48" Saddle Polished
SD108 - Bianco Carrara 6" x 72" Saddle Polished
AM8298P - Bianco Carrara Basketweave with Bardiglio Dot Mosaic Polished
AM8291P - Bianco Carrara Basketweave with 5/8" Black Dot Mosaic Polished
AM1103P - Ming Green Basketweave with White Dot Mosaic Polished
AM9180P - Sand Dollar Mini Random Strip Mosaic Polished
BC202G - Hampton White Bullnose Glossy
BC502G - Hampton Blue Bullnose Glossy
MP205H - Nuance Lasa 12" x 24" Honed
AM8690P - Pearl White Basketweave with 5/8" Pacific Gray Dot Mosaic Polished
CT163 - Opal Sky 3" x 12" Decos Glossy
CT122 - Opal White Chair Rail Glossy
CT151 - Opal Turquoise Bullnose Glossy
CT102 - Opal Snow Chair Rail Glossy
CT143 - Opal Vision 3" x 12" Decos Glossy
BC404M - Hampton White Chair Rail Matte
WJ109 - White Thassos Ribbon with Carrara Waterjet Mosaic Polished
PL427 - Ville Sur Mer Ogee Molding Honed
PL428 - Ville Sur Mer Base Molding Honed
PL400 - Ville Sur Mer Multiwidth Mosaic Honed
SV150 - Rustic Mini Ledgerstone Cleft
SV110 - Rustic Interlocking Ledgerstone Cleft
WJ119 - Pearl White Halo with Bardiglio & Mystic Gray Waterjet Mosaic Honed
AM8680P - Pearl White Mini Random Strip Mosaic Polished
AM1175P - Pacific Gray Petite Chevron Mosaic Polished
SM1205P - Pacific Gray Ovals Mosaic Polished
MP203P - Nuance Lasa Bullnose Semi-Polished
MP207P - Nuance Lasa 24" x 48" Semi-Polished
AM1162P - Ming Green Chevron with White Thassos Mosaic Polished
AM1006H - Honey Onyx Wave Border Honed
SL1205T - Golden Sand Checkerboad Mosaic Tumbled
SL1545T - Golden Sand 1.5" x 3" Brick Mosaic Tumbled
DRS105 - Durango Bar Molding Honed
AM7309P - Crema Marfil Mini Random Strip with Dark Emperador Mosiac Polished
AM8241P - Crema Marfil 5" Hexagon Mosaic Polished
AM8241H - Crema Marfil 5" Hexagon Mosaic Honed
AM8219P - Crema Marfil Fluer with Dark Emperador Mosaic Polished
AM9030P - White Thassos 5/8" Square Mosaic Polished
AM5005P - Pearl White Grande Square with Ming Green Polished
AM7054H - Ming Green 12" x 12" Honed
AM7054T - Ming Green 12" x 12" Tumbled
AM7054P - Ming Green 12" x 12" Polished
AM7060P - Ming Green 6" x 12" Polished
AM7053H - Ming Green 6" x 6" Honed
AM7053P - Ming Green 6" x 6" Polished
AM7053T - Ming Green 6" x 6" Tumbled
AM7055P - Ming Green 3" x 6" Polished
AM7058P - Ming Green Pencil Molding Polished
SM1003P - Ming Green 1" Rounds Mosaic Polished
AM7050P - Ming Green 1" x 1" Square Mosaic Polished
AM7050H - Ming Green 1" x 1" Square Mosaic Honed
AM7056P - Ming Green 2" Hexagon Mosaic Polished
AM7005P - Ming Green 5/8" x 5/8" Square Mosaic Polished
AM1142P - Ming Green Lantern Mosaic Polished
BC414M - Hampton Mist Chair Rail Matte
BC205G - Hampton White Pencil Glossy
BC204G - Hampton White Chair Rail Glossy
BC302G - Hampton Green Bullnose Glossy
CT134 - Opal Gray Pencil Glossy
CT113 - Opal Ivory 3" x 12" Decos Glossy
CT111 - Opal Ivory Bullnose Glossy
CT114 - Opal Ivory Pencil Glossy
CT152 - Opal Turquoise Chair Rail Glossy
CT154 - Opal Turquoise Pencil Glossy
CT172 - Opal Marine Chair Rail Glossy

BC150 - Boston Brick Day Half Round Bullnose
AM9039P - White Thassos Ogee Molding Polished
PL428 - Ville Sur Mer Base Molding Honed
PL427 - Ville Sur Mer Ogee Molding Honed
PL128 - Vague De Fleurs Base Molding Honed

Please Remember to Order 10% Extra Material for Breakage & Cuts!