Price List:
This price list will be updated every time there is a change on price or if an item is being added or discontinued.
This price list will be updated every time there is a change on price or if an item is being added or discontinued.
We hope that by including our price list online in different formats it will allow you to work easier and more efficiently with your clients. This price list will be updated every time there is a change on price or if an item is being added or discontinued. Please use it as a most current source of information on all items. We are continuously making changes to our website to make it more user friendly for you. We welcome any and all feedback. The better experience you have using our products and services, the more success we will enjoy together.
Business Hours:
Mondays – Friday 9am-5pm
Closed Saturdays & Sundays
22 Taylor Ave. Bethel, CT 06801